回忆大学生涯 Special thanks... (from previous blog 14/5/11)

It's always a good motivation by thinking and keeping the grateful things that i have experienced in my mind.

At first, i am very grateful that God has arranged me studying in USM, the place i grew more mature and experienced more different incidents. From taking important posts in PMVCF to the accident that i have experienced, until the relationship matter (not love matter!) and lastly to my busy final year life......

For sure, in this process I have gone through some doubts but bible aways confirm and comfort me with the promise that God always has His will for all the incidents happened on me and He will always make a way! After all, He want to train me to become more like Him through the process.

Here, I would like to take the advantage in my blog to express my special thank to the people that have motivated or helped me (since it's not too public to say here compare to FB). It may just insignificant to what they have done for them but for me, what they have done exerted a big impact on me.

I would like to thank:

1. CF seniors (especially Sing chan, Tiong ming, carol, seng fung, wang chieng, lui fei, hie ping) who take good care of me after i met the accident.

2. Friends who are always there and pray hard for me during my operation.

3. Prof Nazalan because of this.

4. Lab 318 seniors (especially Kak Sharmini, Kak Shantini, Kak HemaR, Kak leh) who trained me to become a better lab-er.

5. Leonard who lend me his motor and this make my final year life easier and more convenient.

6. My coursemates which coloured and make my uni life interesting.

7. Dr. ARMY who has motivated me in doing my fyp. 

8. Dr. Amirul which at least gave me a chance to do fyp in lab 318...


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