

不常这样呼叫祢, 但每到想要这样呼叫祢的时候, 总是在我发现我最需要你的时候。。。 总是到这一刻的时候才发现原来"阿爸天父" 是这么让人感到温暖和安慰。

回忆大学生涯 Special thanks... (from previous blog 14/5/11)

It's always a good motivation by thinking and keeping the grateful things that i have experienced in my mind. At first, i am very grateful that God has arranged me studying in USM, the place i grew more mature and experienced more different incidents. From taking important posts in  PMVCF  to the accident that i have experienced, until the relationship matter (not love matter!) and lastly to my busy final year life...... For sure, in this process I have gone through some doubts but bible aways confirm and comfort me with the promise that God always has His will for all the incidents happened on me and He will always make a way! After all, He want to train me to become more like Him through the process. Here, I would like to take the advantage in my blog to express my special thank to the people that have motivated or helped me (since it's not too public to say here compare to FB). It may just insignificant to what they have done for them but for me, what they have

Kai Hee @ 2016

It has been quite some times (really a long time) I didn't update my blog. So, I decided to create a new blog instead of using back the older blogs ☺. Below is the link of my previous blog: (the blog is in private mode for the author himself btw) But it is good to share some good memories in public, so might transfer some posts from previous blog over here. Let's celebrate for the blog revival! Cheers....